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Now, I know these thumbnails are FLASHY. YouTube will not like them, but an audience will- which is what I want to gain the attention of. Imma be honest wit ya'll, the videos are flopping. So, since my channel isn't making much money anyways, I decided that I'll just go balls to the wall and put out some spicy ass thumbnails so I could get some views and HOPEFULLY long-term subscribers.

The plan basically is, I self-rate my videos every now and again as limited ads (to gain trust with the bot) while making these out-there thumbnails and videos (to hopefully gain a larger devoted following).

I figured if the money isn't great, then why try sticking to what YouTube wants me to do? I'm probably not going to be able to self-monetize for the next three months anyways so I'm gonna do what I want, what I think the people want, and overall what will get my videos attention (and avoid these absolute stellar flops).

I've noticed that (obviously) the videos that gain the most attention are one's with out-of-context sexual quotes and swear words. I said, "why not both?"

So here we are. I think there's an obvious winner of these two, but tell me which one you think is best. (The artists watermark IS in these thumbnails, please ignore it. I would never erase somebody's watermark because after-all the artwork isn't mine and I will never purposely discredit someone's work).

Sidenote: I might also do a poll on which title you guys think is better for the video, so keep an eye out for that.

Option 1:

Option 2: