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Hey Everyone!

Just a heads up, I have unpublished the Omelette tier and plan on deleting it.

Because I plan on making more exclusive audios, I really do not have time to do the unrelated videos anymore; which from my understanding was the biggest perk for that specific tier. I also just think it's better and less stressful for me as I can focus on these two specific tiers without spreading myself too thin.

I've also renamed the Hard Boiled and Scrambled tiers to "The Basics" and "The Extension" because that's what I feel describes them the best.

If you would like to continue to support me, please purchase a different tier when this month's payment runs out or edit your current tier. This only applies to those who have purchased the Omelette tier, so those of you who have purchased the Hard Boiled or Scrambled tiers- this doesn't apply to you.

If you no longer are interested, that's okay too! Thank you for supporting me. I know this change is hard and somewhat confusing, but I genuinely think this will make this ordeal a lot less stressful for me. I appreciate everyone that sticks with me through this change and to the people who decide that this is no longer for them; I hope you at least enjoyed the things I was able to provide for the short time you were here.

Thank you!
