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You wake up to someone breathing down your neck. It's your vampire companion, who has been known to thrive during the night and feast on whatever living and breathing creature they can get their hands on; never preying on a human being. So why, pray tell, are they breathing down your neck, fangs on full display. Long story short, they're too weak to hunt and NEED your blood before the sun comes up.

This scene was loosely inspired by the events of Baldur's Gate 3, where Astarion literally wakes you up when sleeping at the camp. The beginning is what is mainly inspired by it, taking it the entire scene itself, but seeing as I've never actually played the game, the vampire character is very VERY loosely inspired by Astarion himself.

Here's the scene if you're interested! Baldurs Gate 3 Full Release Astarion's Bite Scene (youtube.com)


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