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You're on a school trip, in your assigned room when suddenly someone enters. It's the popular girl- and she's extremely confused as to why you're in HER room. After some insults thrown and lots of bickering, she eventually calms down and comes to her senses. The two of you can't do much, except maybe share the bed or someone sleeping on the floor- neither of you wanting to do the latter. She gives up, climbing into bed, and beckons you to join her. Little does she know, you have a crush on her, and unbeknownst to her you're going to use your "first kiss" as a way to get her to kiss you.

GUYS this is unedited and unlistened through! Basically just the raw recording with some background noise taken out. I was having technical difficulties, so you're going to have to see the fully edited audio when it comes out on YouTube- whatever that may be. This is still all of the dialogue that will be featured in said video- so I hope that's okay!


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