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I'm giving up trying to do the Hextober while not home. The surface pro is the shittiest tablet ever and i managed to do this while battling constant freezes and lags... Enough. It took me 3 times the time of #14 cuz this tablet cannot even handle the opacity menu without freezing...

Returning home on Monday night so Hextober will resume on Tuesday and will likely bypass #20, 21, and 23 which i'll finish post #30.



Lady Xyla

Hey no stress we understand<3 try and relax while you can


Bless the surface pro for being a generalists tool, but your work is far too specialized for it to be able to handle.


All chill. Will see ya when you get back.


Worse thing you can do us stress yourself over shitty tools. Take it a a sign to rest a bit. Pretty sure you could use it.