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I'm taking a small break today, as the past weeks have been a bit hectic, with several long medical appointments due to pain to my dominant hand that's been bugging me for a month combined to a lot of fully shaded pages on top of the usual HMGBAPS, my batteries are running a bit low! :p

So the Nuts 'n Bolt will arrive in 2 weeks, as next month's Unsheltered will start with the Welcome to Martha's Vineyard of the month.

I may also take a break from HMGBAPS next week because I will take a break on October 4th, my birthday! 

That's give me more time to reflect on the concept of the page as well.

Thanks for your understanding!




Gustavo Lopez

Merry Birthmas!!! Take it easy Champ 🏆


As always, take care of your health first and foremost.