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I've been working a bit during my vacation (ahem) and with the data collected from the content survey, I've been thinking of this little fun monthly project! I had a lot of fun doing the WanderLust CYOA a few years ago, and since you fine folks wants more Unsheltered (and Wanderlust, working on that too), so... Introducing Fallout Unsheltered: Wasteland, a CYOA type comic!

How it works:

The comic will work as follow: The character will go through events and conversations as they would in older Fallout games, with skill prompts based on character skills and abilities! Skill checks will be decided with a d100 dice and based on SPECIAL stats.

A character with a 9 stat will need to roll 10 and above. 5 and below are critical failures for everyone and 95 and below are critical successes!

If a character has a Charisma stat of 5, the will need to roll a 50 or above to succeed their action; Initiative, which will determine whether or not the character gets surprised or can react first are rolled with a standard d20.

Of course, you decide whether a character attempts a skill check or not, where they go, etc!

Every tiers are eligible to vote!

Now, the most important part: Character Selection

YOU decide which of these will be the main character, and each will have their own story and events; characters that haven't been selected may appear later as recruitable companions, but not everyone will be able to meet and recruit everyone! Of course, I will not give you meta info there. You're flying totally blind! What's more, this choice is permanent so as they say,

Choose wisely! :P

The picked character will have an additional "origin" poll later, giving different looks to their gears. Not telling too much so it doesn't weigh the polling toward one or the other but please know that you'll have some "character customization" options later on!

Character Selection:




Wow this is a blowout, was gonna go with raider gal but there's no way she's making a comeback. Gonna have to go with vault girl since it seems to be a 50/50 split between her and super mutant


I went raider girl too at first. Then I saw the votes and she was dead last with no chance of winning xD


I'm not normally one for low-int playthroughs, but dang do I want to see what that lucky little bluenette Wastelander can get up to.


Initially I was going to vote Vault Girl, but after reading the "Character Origins" post, I changed to Super Mutant with the hope of Vault Girl becoming the companion. Nuclear Nurse's Army Super Mutant as the "boss" with her submissive Vault Girl sidekick (either Overseer's Assistant or Happiness Manager origin). Their adventures in "conquest" having a sort of "Pinkie and the Brain" vibe but with very sexy results/consequences.


I was already picking the Default Male Dweller, and with the added "respect and fear" there is clearly no other option.


Submissive character will never be dominant with their companions unless it's stated in their bio!


There is a typo in the rules “95 and below are critical successes”. Excited for this series for either of our current leaders