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Move is getting severely delayed because Belgian tax administration is completely bonkers, so l’m taking my summer break. While I rest and recover, I like to plan the content of the year ahead until the December break, and I'd like to give you patrons more advantages, so here's (yet another) a survey. Please let me know what content you want more or less off, or want back:


Content tl;dr:

HMGBAPS on break
Unsheltered on break
Expect occasional updates of Unsheltered or other HMGBAPS content because I'm a workaholic and won't probably be able not to work for a single entire week
Pinup very likely

Long version:
Have an administration ever told you that you need to study like you were back at uni and pass a jury exam (that you need to sign up for and will have an exam date for in 1 to 3 months) for the privilege of being allowed to have a legal tax status so you can give said administration tax income?


Then your country isn't as transparently stupid as Belgium!

It seems my move is being severely delayed from this point, and I'm tired of battling the Belgian administration because it's the single most complicated administration of the entire European Union and continent.

While I rest and recover, I like to plan the content of the year ahead until the December break, and I'd like to give you patrons more advantages, so here's (yet another) a survey. Please let me know what content you want more or less off, or want back:


Thank you for your time and understanding!

See you soon!

A now rest-mode Kite



Wow they really make you work to give them money phase one make them study, phase two make them pass exams, phase three profit I feel like gnomes are behind this, hope you have a good break


Have a fun rest and relaxation.