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Edit: The 2nd "Lou & Laure (thicc ass) under Lou & Eerie is "Lou & Eerie (thick ass), forgot to change Laure's name and can't edit the poll choices after release! 


Starting the first week of August, I am going to actively start the administrative procedure & relocation procedures in order to move to a transition place (as not to pay two rents when I find a place).

So as previously warned, a content drought may happen for a while, and although I'll have a portable tablet with me while I live in the transition place, I don't really know how long it'll take to find a new place; once I'm settled in transition place anyway, I'll be able to resume production of side content so you will not be left out dry for long!

However, I reflected earlier that it'd been a while since I did a fully shading pinup, and I'm curious how my current style will scale to it, and it's a good stand-in content for August, similar to the former monthly pinups!

So how about a beach/pool/etc pinup for August? :D

What would you like?



Outraged by the lack of Clem! *joke plz no cattack*


Considered options for her but I don't have ideas for compositions for Clem

Akashimo Hakubi

Pixie pinup, covering thighs with a book~