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Since I decided to go on a sexy Assaultron warpath, please fuel my sexytron spree with your suggestions!

I  more or less have orange, pink and blue planned, Orange being  "industrial excavation" mode, pink being "nurse bot" and blue being  regular Vex, but I don't have anything planned for the rest yet

So, wanna see a theme? Suggest!




You see, I was thinking Green could be for radiation / toxic theme. It is fallout, afterall, and radiation is aplenty. make the armor green glow in the dark! maybe some dangerous looking vibrators in the housing too.

Wesley Patrick

This reminds me of the horny fridge


Green maybe, Vim Exilence or a racecar theme? So either based around smalltown pride, simplicity, and Vim. Or based around, like, an either like F1, Nascar, or Pitgirl type look? Purple being a Classic of history: Royalty, the Elite, the best of the best. White: Purity? Innocence? Winter? Maybe a more thiccer or motherly frame with some 'furs' or something? Yellow: Either Gold, being like, Pimpin, or Midas, or wealth. Unlike Royalty, which would be about the elite and stylish, gold would be more showing off wealth, value, and such. Or one of warmth, a more contry style, like a contry girl type theme, farms and such. Or a mechanic. Or could do something based on Ncr, Rangers, New Vegas, Cowboys ('The Yellow Rose of Texas'?), or Sunset Sasperilla Or for other 'white' types Silver: could do a callback to the old art of that, like, android pinup woman? Something of 'the future' and space and such? Future glory and pursuit of excellence? Or Platinum: The Platinum Chip, Mister House, the Lucky 38, if New Vegas had to have a Robotic Showgirl. Burlesque? My random Spitballing of ideas :p

Gustavo Lopez

Sunset sarsparilla theme, maybe in reference to the Star caps. Give her a cowgirl or farm girl feel


What does the text on the leg say


Pokemon themed assaultron!


For green you could do a military version. Do her up as a Dominatrix Sergeant/Lieutenant with the tag line "Are you ready to serve your country?". While holding a horsecrop, maybe with a snap sound effect as though she's whippng it against her metal hand.


Very quick suggestion, I know these are all the colors, but maybe as part of your assaultron warpath you should do one more, that being the color black. Maybe for a black or jet black assaultron, it's VEXs small but effective security force, task at finding those and punishing those who attempt to harm her or her fellow assaultron sex workers. Their job is to find, detain, and fuck those into brutal submission, futa or woman, no one is safe, sort of like an institute corser. What happens to them afterwards? Well they become slav-i mean indentured servants that advertise for VEX and her fellow sex bots, basically advertisers.




Cyan could be Nuka Cola Quantum themed, Nuka cola quantum has twice the calories, twice the carbohydrates, twice the caffeine and twice the taste so maybe this verssion of the bot has twice the size of their assets or something, or if futa 2 packages for twice the fun?


I also sent this in the form but thought if I said it here more people might also send this idea in


With the amount of suggestions on the patreon, we are going to get a whole line of different assaultrons.


For my suggestions I focused on different aspects a wastelander would want covered. Purple: A Chemist Frame: Makes any chems you want. Side Effects may include intense edging aphrodisiacs in all chems produced. If Edging lasts longer than 4 hours the unit will take "custody" of the user... purely to ensure their safety. Green: A "Ranch-hand" Frame: A frame that specializes in "animal husbandry". Can handle creatures of any size and convert any matter "injected" into highly nutritious milk using radiation and science... somehow. Cyan: A Water Purfication Frame: Purifies Water from radiation and hazardous substances. Also can store water in its tits, which can expand up to 500%. Anytime you need some ice cold water just start sucking on those nips! Yellow: A Construction Frame: In addition to being able to build nearly anything, its advanced AI can generate individual-specific cat-calls that can get their engine going 0 to 60 in under a second.