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I'm cooking for the colorwheel!

I've slightly changed the after deciding to go on an "vengeful" Assaultron art spree due to some attempted art thievery. :P




Art thieft?? What happen?


Indeed. Was it use w/o permission or was it a "I created this" theft? The latter of the two deserving a special place in hell. Like a game studio in a perpetual release crunch.


Someone took Vex's design and pretended to do "research notes" and "here's the design I came up with", so I'm on the warpath to post a series of Assaultrons and prove that the original is better than the counterfeit. :P


Looking forward to it all! I am sorry your art was stolen however, that freaking suck.


For a second my dumb brain thought you were going to do a post about an art thief in an art museum getting caught by a guarding assaultron, I need more sleep lol. But yeah sucks when they don't credit you.