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As you know, I generally take a summer break in August, to rest and recharge the old batteries... I was supposed to move from my current apartment a couple months ago, but delayed it to summer as to not interrupt the updates mid non-holidays.

So I will combine both, considering I'll probably need around 3 weeks to a full month to fully set up (the move itself, getting Internet back, furniture -my current place being a pre-furbished one-, etc), I'll announce the break when I find a new apartment as start the process proper!

Usually I keep secondary comics like Unsheltered running during breaks because I at least have a portable tablet and days where I can work, but I will likely be unable to work during the movie process, so it may be a complete pause for at least two weeks, then I can probably find a way to do some sketch works and such.

Anyway, that was an head's up!

I'll keep you posted!





No worries, get your life set up.