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I'll resume the Angelstorm arc this week (no more intermission till the end of the Land of Storms arc, I THINK), but here's a question!

After the last two intermissions, do you want more of these two new dwellers siblings, Eric and Mary, fucking through the wasteland, and do you want more male content in general?

Edit: As the question has been raised, "male content or characters" specifically means "male x female content" (no yaoi or femboy content)



I think the question of male content is too vage do you mean m/f or m/m or male/futa because that definitely changes the answer


I'm in it pretty much just for the F/F and Futa/F content


I've like your stuff since way back. The stories, the tangents, the different art styles, it's all good. Could a strictly male character or two mix in well with a ton of females and futas...yeah I think so.


Every time I see poor Kite put out this poll in a bid to draw dudes....and every time I see poor Kite lose to the lesbians and trans chicks for drawing. Someday Kite. Someday. :P


Haha nah tbh I dont mind, the previous poll didn't really have an example and after the Antlers miniarc I wondered how it was received and if people wanted more If I personally wants to draw more I'll do occasionally on my own discretion regardless of the outcome:p

skyler j ayer

And we hope that you share sometimes for the people who want that content (looks side to side) pweassseeee


Male characters popping in would be fun to see. If its something you want to do , then I say go for it. I know it'll be fun and awesome!


I'm personally only into the Female, Futa and Femboy Content


Would love for the guys to get their fair share of lovin'. X3


I'm just hear for the Female content myself but if the Males give them someone to be violent toward, that would be good too


I am pretty sure that would be a hate crime to specifically target a demographic for the express purpose of violence.


I definitely think it's a nice change of pace from time to time.


Yea I've drawn female centric content for so long, sometimes I feel like adding some gender diversity to keep things fresh haha


I worry you took me much too seriously! I was thinking more of a cartoon / video game level of reality, and was effectively saying "more cats for Jerry to wallop", that's all the last thing I would ever advocate for is a RL hate crime, yikes


Eric and Mary are great. Love that "fresh from the Vault" vibe.


I wouldn't be opposed to sprinkling in some male characters that make great stories. I'm voting positive, but don't force them in just for S&G's. Unless those giggles are very good!