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Still working on the page, I don't think I'm finishing it today because I'm sort of stuck on a choice paralysis loop. After the last four hours of ardent debating with myself, me and I have reached a consensus that we like the various ideas for a number of reasons.

(Honestly I think that done with the style practice or not, I'm resuming at least the Angelstorm arc next week because coming with new things "on the spot" is unbelievably annoying when an idea seems really good 'till you try parsing it in a 4 panels format and you realize it doesn't work).

I'm not cancelling that "OG Unsheltered special" though, just needs more time to think the direction I want that special to go.

So I'm also gonna stop giving "strict" next-day timetable for normally off schedule uploads because I tend to underestimate the time some of these will actually take, which is "significantly more than the stuff I already had planned", although it is my honest estimation that the coming week should be the lass "training week", whether I finish that Lou pic or not, and that Unsheltered Squad 32 resumes next week no matter what. THIS ONE, like HMGBAPS, is fully planned after all :p

My current internal debate also stems from the fact that the Angelstorm arc will be the last arc of Squad 32, and I think that OG Unsheltered based content could be the next Unsheltered comic.

As for the chosen past reward pack, the winning vote is surprisingly February 2019 for both the free pack AND the "pinup update!"

I will now proceed to send the rewards!

Stay tuned for that OG Unsheltered page coming soon. :p

Part of the holdup of THAT ONE is to decide whether I want it to be futa-on-female centric or not. I also am thinking of bringing back the OG Unsheltered version of the Nuclear Nurse, but different. As well as new "antagonists" or protagonists.

My current explorations includes but aren't limited to:

- Deathclaw monstergirls
- A Vault overseen by a kinky AI
- The Nuclear Nurse as permanent side character
- A Vault with all inhabitants transformed into futa supermutants EXCEPT for nerdy Overseer
- In the same vein, Engie being the only female inhabitant of her futa-populated Vault
- A new Vault Dweller protagonist

Some other explorations were thought up with Centurii-chan, but they'd be a better fit in Wildest Wasteland or Squad 32.

If you like any of these, let me know! If there's something of the original Unsheltered you'd love to see brought back, do let me know too. It'll undeniably help me to come up with the plan faster!





Nerdy overseer you say 🧐


Between the ideas, I'd have to go with either the AI or the Deathclaws


The futa vaults and deathclaw monster girls sound the best to me personally, but the kinky AI controlled vault sounds like something to could be very interesting and a lot of fun


I'm interested in a kinky AI, whose understanding of sex is based solely on pre-war smut, being in charge of 1000 poor and horny souls. I'd also like to see some Deathclaw Monstergirls, but I'm curious about the ratio of Monster-to-Girl would be.


How about a Vault overseen by a kinky AI that turns half of the inhabitants into futa supermutants excluding the nerdy Overseer? I can see a kinky AI being way into that, maybe the overseer secretly enjoys being forced to watch but obviously enjoys that the AI never lets her participate?


Deathclaw girls are a BIG win for me, would love to see it in your style :D


Deathclaw girls, futa deathclaw girls, futa supermutants, Futa deathclaw girls fucking assaultrons...


I think I'd be most interested to see the kinky AI and the return of the Nuclear Nurse. In terms of anything else I'd like to see, having the Institute brought back could be interesting, I really liked that mini arc. Maybe they could have entered a Vault and given the AI a kinky personality, which is why the AI dominates all Vault members? I would have also said maybe having a new Vault Dweller protagonist could be fun, however I think that stems from my love of what you did with Blue, both before the Unsheltered Comic and during, I just love that whole story! But yea, I'd be happy anything fallout related! Always love fallout content!


I personally like the kinky AI idea, I think mainly because it opens so many different possibilities.


Maybe just an idea, introduce a bitchy/dominant female character, who because of kinky ai/ futa mutants/ or death claws slowly turning her into a sub. I would prefer the death claws have more human features, like face with a head of hair, perhaps human legs, covered in scales, maybe one arm/hand would be normal human but their other one would be death claw-esque, the horns of course, sort of like demon girls with a death claw twist in a way.


Deathclaw monstergirls gets my vote. Desu deathclaw FTW! :D