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I've been thinking about this for a long time, and I believe that this is the best decision for now.

Let me know what you think. D:




I wanna say move on. It seem like rebooting will be much difficult with world building, plot,characters. I like the series regardless thank you for your hardwork kite.


Series was great, i liked it alot, but if you have no joy to put more work towards it, might as well continue onto other things. Im not sure, maybe leave the reboot for a future poll. I really liked the idea of lou getting sent back in time or isekaied though.


I'm sad that you feel ending it is the best way to go, but we don't want you making yourself miserable! And if in return it means HMGBAPS is even better, then it's well worth the trade!


More Fallout Unsheltered! But as for this, I say reboot or move on. But only if your heart is in it. You made Pokemon interesting/exciting to me. I otherwise would not have cared.


I liked the more whimsical tone before the bandit turn, Lou fucking her way through the story was an interesting plot.


I'd say scrap it and revamp the story more and play around with it when you have time between things and get a flushed out story line and how things should go and possibly even go off on exploring some different side character interactions with Pokémon and different people

skyler j ayer

Id say reboot it as a small short 3-5 page comic give it a good ending only work on it in your free time or just as a side gig or if your not feeling that just make a page spread of the new girls sexy adventures with serious moments or the same with lou just ideas but if you wish to abandon it we'll understand this was my introduction to you so im glad it existed

Fake Name For Obvious Reasons

Honestly I liked what you had going, but as it's creator, you would know your work best. Trust your judgement.


I think this sounds like the best decision! It's for you - focus on the projects you want to work on.


Personally it doesn't really matter what universe/game system you set your story into, what matters is the characters you create and if you like them. If you like the story you're creating, the characters you're putting out to the world, then others will too. If you are not "feeling" it, then perhaps it's best to stop and move on to something else.


I really enjoyed all of the LA:SS pages you created. However, although I really like the depth you put into the worlds you alter and create, I wouldn't be disappointed or deterred from you making a shorter series that doesn't need to be ongoing and all-compassing world-building wise, equally I wouldn't be disappointed if you started a new with a LA:SS series or completely cancelled it. Tldr; I enjoy whatever you make and, as other commenters have stated, I will look forward to viewing whatever you want to be working on that you are motivated towards. Waiting for pkmon s/v sounds like a wise idea.