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I decided to use my weekend to update the designs of several characters, and also coalesce them into a revised height chart!

I also abandoned the barbaric imperial  system I didn't understand a thing about so have actually accurate  character measurements! :P

Some characters got smaller (Aya, Clem)  some characters got taller (Lou, Annabelle), everyone had small design  changes or entire makeovers, and some like Eerie will transition to  their updated design during the current chapter!

Edit: Gave more attention and plumpness to Pixie



Dan K

How did Annabelle get even taller? 🤣


Interesting color for Eerie. I love the small details like the "weight" on Pixie who loves sweet a little too much. Also Clem is <3

Above Wilson

243cm! I want her to crush me. I don't care if it's boobs, butt, or thighs it would be worth it

Daniel Moriarty

So Annabelle is 7 feet 11 in tall

Jim Zackary

God damn Annabelle is big. Any coincidence that her breasts are at about head level?

Tom Sketchit

Ooo~! Love the tall ladies!


Malaya, Annabelle, and Pixie's newfound softness are my favorite parts of this chart. I'm loving the designs changes, both the small tweaks and considerable changes!


Wow Annabelle is huge. Has she been slouching this whole time?


I wonder, was Annabelle always that tall or is it a side effect of her contract with Giratina?


Annabelle in her "previous existence" was smaller than Lou; her body was reshaped based on her little sisters, and made able to withstand Giratina's power. Her current height is due to the fact that a smaller body couldn't contain Giratina's entire shadow form


Annabelle the new definition of Big Beautiful Woman


Kite! I love you buddy! I just wanna hug and pamper Pixie