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So I realized that the previous poll was unclear, and deleted it. My apologies for the confusion! The options are:

Hub Tales needs to share the schedule of one side comic, it can either share the schedule of Unsheltered, meaning that one Friday out of 2 will be Unsheltered while the other Fridays will be Hub Tales, as follow:

US > HT > US > HT
(Strange Shores schedule untouched)

Or share the schedule of Strange Shores, in which case one Saturday out of 2 will be Strange Shores, as follow:

SS > HT > SS > HT
(Unsheltered schedule untouched)

This poll should be clearer!

(old text for context:)

"I can't add another comic page to the schedule lest it becomes overwhelming production wise, so I'm proposing an alternating schedule!

The question is, which you want to see alternate"



With further clarification, I have no preference. So no vote cast.


Wow, that was high math voting... I just want more Unsheltered. Not less. :)