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So, I'm chilling between two experiments (at some point I need to sign up for an online course on the concept of "resting") and I was wondering if I should return to the world of MH; I probs have a lot of sexy ideas I'd wanna try after all.

The question would be, which series ("world") d'you prefer?



I would love them back all


I did love your adventure logs with the monsters, but I am happy with world ❤️💕


Hoarfrost was such an amazing read. This makes me want to go back to them and read through once more! :)


I mean, very hypothetically, of course, the format and theme of the ED's was great. While I don't know whether only a single world has my preference, there's plenty more monster and exploration adventures to be had, I'm sure


The ED is what got me to being your fand(well that and Fallout) but the ED was really awesome

Lady Xyla

I loved the erm....golden....lady

Emma 'SKoW' Henson

If I had anyone in there I was a sucker for, it was the anal hero, the carving-addict, and her sister. Just a whole lotta fun.


I know absolutely zilch about monster hunter. Your stuff is primo so I'll go along with whatever you do.


The hoarfrost stuff is what convinced me to subscribe! Amazing content kept me here (especially unsheltered), but I'd love to see more!