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That's the page where the "I don't want story or drama just draw sex" people can feel that the story is going to take a direction they may not enjoy. xD 

There still will be a lot of sex, but also serious drama :P

Edit: Some small fixes, text swaps, anatomy rebalance in P4!






Kite said "So no intercourse?" 😟


To those who just want sex I say Screw you! I want the story too! Also, if you have them or can make them I would love actual rules for the DND style Pokemon Legends game in the recent pages of HMGBAPS.


I just want a sexy story


I've been considering it tbh, but probably after the end of LA:SS


The perfect combination Drama & Sex


Honestly, the story of HMGBAPS was what got me hooked on your work. I don't mind what you're doing in the slightest. Carry on.


I'm missing context. Who's Tallulah xD


I'm guessing this new character is the result of the custom character submission poll a couple of days ago. I wish I had the time to submit my choices on traits before it closed so quickly. That poll didn't even last to 24 hours. Not great for those who aren't able to be on patreon every single day to participate on such incredibly short polls. Unfortunate.


Now that I think about it, I think both the poll for the custom character options poll and the "Twins vs Tallulah" poll each didn't even last up to 12 hours. Meaning only a certain number of members are going to be able to see and interact with the polls during that short time frame. Take me for example, I remember seeing the notification for the custom character option submission poll before I had to go into work. I didn't have time to fill out a submission so I waited until after work to do so. However, by the time I got off work and had time to do the poll, the poll was closed, so I wasn't able to add any input for the character. I doubt everyone is able to check-in everyday to be available when short period polls occur. I've not really noticed the issue with these short polls until now.


I kind of thought that once the custom character option submission poll was completed, all the different options submitted for each trait would be complied into a multiple choice poll to vote on each trait. Giving those who missed out on submitting options a chance to help decide what each trait would be for the final version. I mean how many members actually got to participate in building this character? Was it a majority, or did only a really small group get to decide?


This character wasn't the result of a poll, and whenever I need something decided fast, I do a "flashpoll", named *FLASH*poll for a reason. They're meant to be one hour long or however long my lunch of the day will last to help me pick a choice I'm debating with, and usually for the page that'll be posted later the very day the poll's launched on. It doesn't matter if everyone gets to participate as it's not meant to, as I'm not going to wait that "everyone" participates, which even after a week of wait on traditional polls, never happens.


Any chance of a high res version of the revised page being added to the Dropbox directory?