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I've been thinking of expanding HMGBAPS's worldbuilding to new original Pokémon regions, and I've been writing and devising a China-inspired region named Sinae! I'm not confident enough to make original Pokémon yet, but I do envision several Sinean forms!

Anyway, here's the first denizen of the mystical heavenly land of the East, Yīn Méi!




Gamefreak devs: Write that down, WRITE THAT DOWN!!!!!

Kris Valentine

I love your worldbuilding.


Always enjoying the world building aspects you bring with your drawings. Can easily see you expanding out a massive story just from this character bio, and previous works.


I actually wrote a damn long backstory and political intrigues in the Empires and way too many stuff before I went "calm down Kite, most you may show of the Empress in Strange Shore is her getting fucked" xD But I mean, it's THERE and I wouldn't mind do something with it someday bhahaha


Yum! I love her! And a juicy backstory is as desirable as a juicy backside!


Looking forward to what you put out regardless of how far the rabbit hole goes, whether we get a peak here and there or a head first dolphin dive into the fun.

Dan K

When you know nothing of pokemon and see Tian Xia and go "i know that from Pathfinder, i got this 👍" 😆


You should add some sort of pants or a body suit but just for the legs, kinda like taki from soul caliber. I'm no prude but there's something weird about a samurai looking warrior lacking any leg protection, im confident you can make it look cool and sexy

Mr. Fahrenheit

😍 my favorite kind of body type. You would make a wonderful DM in a D&D homebrew world of your own making, with all the backstory you create. 👍🏽

Sophia Dearden

This looks really cool! I fully support this attempt!


Yknow, the skin tight bodysuit doesn't offer any protection either lol


No doubt she's gorgeous, but uh... pubes are just back, eh?


Perhaps, or maybe with spider pokemons one can make spider silk, very stretchy and strong material, idk just reaching for straws lol


Ze Butt.