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First, I want to thank you for your amazing support pre and post surgery! I wanted to give you some update; I'm doing moderately well (you might have noticed my near total absence on Discord). 

Surgery was difficult, and recovery is taking longer than planned, with some post-op complications. I don't know how normal these are, but I'm seeing my doctor next week again for a followup.

Painkillers don't really work for long, and I've been upped to stronger painkillers, that have the wonderful effect of shooting me up haha

I will do everything in my power to resume updates on schedule, or to provide as many of them as possible, but I do sincerely apologize for possible disruptions in the next few weeks. ><

I thought a week would be well enough for the "hardest" part of the wound mending, but it seems I was either too optimistic, or the process I'm going through right now is normal and it'll be better starting Monday...

We'll see!

Hope everything is going well for you!



I hope you have an outstanding recovery Kite. 🙏🏻🥺💕


The surgery was for the health issue you said you'd been having and that it got diagnosed during a blood test right? hope your recovery goes smoothly and that's the last of that unpleasant business


Get well first! or we might have to clone you! (haha!)


All the best wishes for a healthy (not speedy) recovery. Allow yourself to heal before taxing yourself again.

Ibuki Mioda

Ms. Kite, please allow your body to recover before drawing. Your health is more important than the art. I wish you a speedy recovery


It was for something related, caused by my initial illness! It was SUPPOSED to help stuff, but after the week I've been through I sincerely wonder if I shouldn't have left it as is xD


Wishing you a speedy recovery and please know to give yourself all the time you need to rest.


Well hopefully things get better for you


Don't rush yourself Kite, if you need more time to recover that is more than fine. We will be just fine without any updates till you are recovered &lt;3


Don't worry about the comic - your health is more important! If you need to take weeks or even months off, do it. I'll still be donating and wishing you the best of health.


Recovery takes time. No need to worry about needing or indeed taking that time. Not sure what's common for whatever you've had, of course, but the ones I've seen happen around me easily take weeks to recover from. So don't push yourself on our behalves, and hopefully you'll feel better in some time.