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Hello, it's "Pollmaster" Kite with a new poll!

As I said before the holidays, I plan to rework the reward tiers. February will be our third year anniversary, so I have also been thinking about ways to streamline and improve the content I offer.

Fact is, I'm doing a lot. A pinup with alts, a big comic with weekly updates, several active short comics and the occasional random comic, sketches, writing and prepping the current and future comics... It's become evident that it’s too much after the big pause last year, which was due to an illness I am still recovering from; after this, sketch streams I hadn't done became a backlog. An ever increasing backlog.

Then comes the issue of Wanderlust. After its shift from CYOA to comic-cyoa, I realized pretty fast it had one major problem; it couldn't really write it like a normal comic while keeping a significant CYOA format, which usually have more recurring choices; so placing a longform story with choices would only be viable if these choices were the equivalent of Mass Effect 3 colorshift ends. And we all know how that went. :P

So I started to rewrite WL from the ground up; Katra is ultimately not really a character as much as she's a prompt for the story to show sexy stuff; I'm rewriting her as a character, and WL is shaping to be a companion to HMGBAPS. (Sorry guys, no more “Space Lou”, honest!)

Which leaves me with a problem: it's added its share of additional work. I'm currently reviewing everything. One of the things I’m considering is to stop doing everything, focus on one thing, do it, and do it well. The Sketch Stream tier is going away (at the very least, until the backlog is complete), that's for sure, but how to optimize the rest is the question. As such, there will be two polls about that this week. Today a general poll, and Saturday a specific content poll.

Which leads me to you, and why you are here. I'd like to know what made you join, what makes you stay, or what you are valuing the most out of our Patreon relationship; Is it:

(Sorry, one choice only for more accurate data collection!)



Kite, you are an amazing artist and storyteller. You get my meager $5 every month, and I don't care what you do. I found your art first through Fallout mods on Nexusmods, then HentaiFoundry, and when I discovered your Patreon, I joined. it made no difference whether you were working on HMGBAPS or Fallout Unsheltered or Wanderlust or whatever else you dream up. Every story is engaging, your worlds are rich and vibrant, and your artwork is second to none. My only request for my small monthly pledge is you take care of yourself so we can continue to get whatever you want to draw for us on a monthly basis.


Damn, I guess I'm the minority, I saw sexy goo comic on reddit and I was absolutely in love with your style!


Yeah, I'm working on that by polling which content people are here for, and then will decide how to reorient myself in a more healthy way xD Thanks a lot for your kind words and support! <3


Well I count Wanderlust in "all comics" too, as Wanderlust was mostly active for a year, then disappeared entirely


Love all the comics! Not a Poke-fan but you make sexy pokemon a thing I do enjoy. I love, LOVE your pin-up work and the quality it shows but if it kills you time then I prefer my already favorite more easier to manage comics.


I'm with the majority as it seems right now. I love when you tell stories, especially Wanderlust. I remember I followed you on HentaiFoundry for a while. The alola-pkmn art pieces made me subscribe to your Patreon. The montlhy pinups is probably the one thing I could do without to be honest, and I don't think they may be worth it considering how much time they seem to require to make. Projects like AnimalCrossing and SisterDeviota&MotherCeleste and Wanderlust (slime&parasite) are what I go back to rewatch mostly.


Where is the discord option? I joined for the CYOA but the community is what keeps me going at this point.


I first found you on Tumblr, then when the porn ban happened, I searched high and low for your work and eventually found the public discord and then your patreon, it was The Overbitch that brought me here but How My Gardevoir became a Porn Star has kept me here

Andrew Z.

"Space Lou" with the symbiotes/living clothing was the main reason I joined. While I was a little saddened that particular story line is officially retconned, all the other comics and pinups are still great for me to stay.


It isn't retconned per se, I'll just make it happen in a more longform way, so it also allows more scenes and more exploration of this concept!


I joined for the Fallout Unsheltered. I stay for the fact that your comics tickle me the same way Unsheltered originally did no matter which storyline it is. I don't even LIKE Pokemon and I'm invested in seeing what goes down. I'll feel the same way about any other comic as well.


I've been a patron since early 2019 and a fan from even earlier. I mainly joined for HMGBAPS at the time and hopping that you would at some point return to the Overbitch storyline but i totally understand if you didn't want to do as ''hardcore'' stuff again. What really captivated me though was Wanderlust (even made me go up a tier the month after it's release :p) and i'm talking the original pitch here 1 update per month but ultra high production value (3d backgrounds additional information panels on the crew/species/planets) but i can understand why that wasn't sustainable . It's sad that we haven't had an update for the past year but the rest of the comics/spin offs have been more than enough to justify my pledge . Your work is really great and it's been a privilege to support it over the years .


Gonna be real, I originally ended up here because of the Fallout mods back in the day, but since then I've enjoyed the art, the comics, etc.


I found you because of HMGBAPS and then the Fallout minis had me hooked in for all content. It is very wise of you to reconfigure your workload to remove backlog. I helped an artist friend schedule to do this not so long ago and it can take time but a good plan will clean up well for you. I'm glad I got in for one sketch and hope to wait for them to come back. Your art is great, your writing is great, and your commitment to your community even in your hard times is beyond impressive. thank you Kite


I personally liked Monster hunter comics a lot with the diary (i love the diary with the hunteress having sex with the monster), but I understand that you are having a lot of problems, I advise you to continue where your heart takes you and to continue to do a beautiful and excellent job I hope that in the near future Monster Hunter can return i love your works

Tom Sketchit

I am mostly here for HMGBAPS to be honest. Not that I dislike the other stuff. Love the direction Wanderlust was going in. Loved the Monster Hunter content. The Fallout series has been a little hit or miss for me, mostly because recently it feels like a lot of bondage, and that's just not my thing. I love your art in general, but if I had to pick one, I would definitely say HMGBAPS.


Possible overbitch return?, don't do this to me, don't give me hope.

Fake Name For Obvious Reasons

HMGBAPS is why I'm here. I legitimately read it for the story. As long as I have access to that, I'm happy.


I like all of your stuff. The pinups, the series stuff, the quick little jokey things, all of it. I am not creative, I don't know the feeling of having so much inside that you want to get out into any format you like at that moment. So I don't have any idea how creators like yourself feel about things when you have so much inside. The only thing I can say is how I see things from my own perspective. As a fan of your work, I will enjoy whatever or however you release your creativity to the world, but.....personally I would really like to see something to either an end or a place where it can sit for a while then on to something else. Like maybe a chapter of HMGBAPS then a chapter of Wanderlust, then a chapter of Fallout...for the more serious series stuff. Perhaps with a bit of the quick fun things tossed in randomly as they come to mind. I joined your patreon as a sponsor for your artwork, not for any reward. Pinups are nice, but so is anything you do. Sorry this is a wall of text, but I don't know how to break it up into smaller paragraphs.


HMGBAPS + Pinups. Joined the sketch doodle tier because I love your style and you're not doing comissions


Your art and storytelling is incredible. So regardless of what you do, I'm going to stay.