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A pre-chapter summary!



Kris Valentine

I love your worldbuilding!


This is exciting, also is having Ynfilia sandwiched between the twins foreshadowing a potential monthly pinup poll option.


You might have ‘black twin’ and ‘white twin’ mixed up, unless I am missing something.


That'd be interesting, also if you can answer, will we be getting an update on fallout or next week?


I love the new outfits! I'd love to see wanderlust make a return soon? The reason I found you was the symbiote comic and fell In love!!💙💙💙

Mr. Fahrenheit

Thanks for the recap. I was a little lost with the rewrite of the chapter, but after reread I got my mind cleared. This helps keep your story straight for me. Thx. 💚😁


Here's hoping we see more Pixie in the future.


I feel like this has been addressed, and I apologize if I was oblivious and missed it, but any chance on commissions sometime soon/future. Been a long time fan from times when I could barely catch glimpses of old free art, to now where I’d love to commission a piece/comic. If not and I completely glanced over a previous posting, my apologies and regardless I’ll still be quite content with your regular postings.


Unfortunate, if anything at all, if you have any stonewalled ideas that align with my personal preferences in regards to certain characters. I’d be willing to put up an extra donation to help break that wall down the line lol.