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Hello! As I'm STILL not back home and won't be until the evening of the 4th, the December pinup will be quite late; I thought to do it with my new hardware (a Surface Pro) but if it handles Clio Studio Paint relatively well (comic pages are done with it), it absolutely CAVES under the weight of Adobe Photoshop, which I discovered with great annoyance.

... should have done it before leaving but the HMGBAPS week was done instead D:

As such, reward days will be pushed back a few days.

My deepest apologies and thank you for your understanding.

Who needs a new new tablet PC but good lord I don't have 2700eur for the artist-orientated ones



No worries, we still love you, boo!


Artistic, agricultural, and aviation. The three ‘A’ words, when put in an item use, will make the price go way up -.-


Sounds like it's time for a "buy The Kite a new tablet" tier on Patreon...