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Before Lou's birth, her mother traveled to Sinnoh to hone her contest skills, and free herself from the prison that was her life.

 A girl named Elsa makes it her life mission to break Laure out of it. 

 They do some pretty wild shit.




I like that these "trainer registry" require trainer to be naked/half naked. Finger print is not enough in Sinnoh, they need the whole package.


That ass does not look 136 pounds, I'm calling caps


Look, I'm from the civilized world, I rely on online conversions to match your antiquated imperial system! xD

Sophia Dearden

I love her outfit the puffy jacket in particular. Plus the black and blue color scheme really works well for her.


BMI of 17.2 or so... Yeah I think for that much thicc she'd need something like 170 pound range. =) (so 190.5cm tall and closer to 80 kg instead of 62 kg...)


I believe that she'd be closer to 220lbs (~100kg) since she's a trainer and probably does a good amount of exercise and that samus who is the same height is only 198lbs sans her suit


Sounds about right. Also, love this discourse, glad I could get the community jumpin' like this


Looking back at Ion is kinda sobering too: 4'7" and 123 pounds, or 140 cm and 55.8 kg. (So half a meter/yard shorter than Laure, and only like 5-6 kg lighter?) Where as Laure here, with her stats, would be a bit underweight (strictly BMI) for her height with a BMI of 17.2, Ion would be at 28.6, only a couple of kg away from being considered obese (in BMI terms). So unless the weight disparities of muscle, fat and bone are completely different in this world, Ion should look either quite fat, or like an active body builder. =) Realistically, with her slight but not frail build, her weight should probably be more in the 85-90 pound range (BMI ~20) or under.


@Jordan Dyke: That actually sounds about right. If we take Ion's height and adjusted her weight to a sensible number of something like 80-85 pounds (she's tiny and has a slight build), then think about the size of a human in terms of volume rather than just height, the 190 cm tall Laure should be about 2.5 times the size/mass, it would put Laure at around 200-210 or so pounds. That would still give her a BMI of around 25, which isn't yet considered overweight, and would also account for her obvious thiccness and some muscle. Though if asked, she might still claim 136 instead of 200+... =)