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Do you know what I hate? People who give you an appointment and then are 2 hours late.

At least I've been waiting for two hours.

Next Unsheltered will probably come tomorrow. I consider taking a week off to isolate myself from the world but I must soldier on.

Strip will be about Hailey, as per popular clamoring.

I'm brainstorming some cool stuff while I wait for my brother under the rain with increasingly murderous thoughts: an Unsheltered like comic, but for the HMGBAPS verse, to replace the Shorts.

Could also allow to explore more characters than our main cast, and probably introduce new ones; exploring the Lacroix family could be fun. :0

If my next post is another delay, know I probably set something on fire and got arrested.

I'm s stickler to punctuality when I'm asked to undergo 45m of public transports two days in a row....

A fuming Kite



Yeah, being kept waiting (especially long after something was supposed to start) is not only annoying but (depending on the case) can be considered unprofessional. Hope all goes well.


This brings to mind a saying I’ve heard recently. ‘Violence is not an answer. Violence is a question, and the answer is yes.’ Probably not the best idea though. Being arrested is problematic and expensive. But I feel for you. My experience with the US medical system (which, IIRC, you don’t deal with) is being charged the visit fee and a cancellation fee if you’re 15 minutes late and being expected to wait ~45 minutes before being led to the examination room. There you sit another 45 minutes or so until the doctor sees you and then you wait 20-30 minutes for the nurse to come and discharge you. And that was before COVID, which made things worse. Expensive, time consuming and annoying. But at least it’s better than letting the health issue progress uncontested!


Feel better! 🌧️😪🌧️