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Hello everyone;

I'd like to inform you, as the title suggests, of a major change in comic updates; in an effort to lower my overall workload, HMGBAPS will go from two pages a week, Monday* and Friday*, to one page a week, every Friday*

As of now, Unsheltered remains on Saturday** but when WanderLust resumes, it will switch to Monday*** to a rhythm of one page every two weeks, with either Unsheltered or any secondary projects updating within the week between two WanderLust pages.

This new update schedule, while diminished in term of content, will allow me to take more time for each pages and up the quality of these, without needed to rush day-to-day because the page usually needs to be posted in the same day it's worked on; It'll also make my workload less all-consuming (not finishing at 1am, woo) and more sustainable on the long run, as well as allow time to attend to other Patreon matters, sketch backlog, and other things.

(May adapt as/if needed until I find what works best) 

Thanks for your understanding!



*:Thursday and Saturday for Patrons

**: Friday for Patrons

***: Saturday for Patrons


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