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I'm redesiging everyone in HMGBAPS! The girls are also losing a size of two of breast size. :P  Here's some WIPs for Lou and her future outfit!




LOSING breast size?! Heresy! ;) In all seriousness, looking pretty sweet.


That's surprisingly business like for Lou. Is she taking over the family business or is this her new look as a adult film director?


Do that mean poor Pixies going to be flat?


I'm gonna be honest, not the biggest fan of the decision from a balance point of view, we've already had 1 (or maybe 2?) chest reductions for the comics but the bottoms have remained the same if not gotten bigger.Anyways, keep on rocking :) TL:DR The girls are getting excessively bottom heavy


I like new look! I don't mind the breast size change, but then again I'm an unabashed ass-man, so I have my biases...biASSes :P


as much as a love big buts (and I cannot lie) I do like big boobs, so i'd like to see a balance but it wouldn't be a big deal

Daniel Moriarty

How many breast sizes will Anabelle lose? 😁