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Eerie uses "Reason".

It's not very effective.




Eh? Voice activated pokeball recall? Yeah, I bet that’ll go over well with Eerie.


When does Aya try to reach out to Lou in the timeline? I assume it was somewhere between her break-up phone call and after Lou decided to shut out the world and got fired. Aya, despite her calculating nature, seemed to care enough to try getting through to Lou a lot in that span of time. It makes me curious how much, if any, of that was from actual emotional closeness. Maybe I've read her wrong, but she seems a caring sort in her own way.


Really enjoying your art style lately


Yeah, she is; Aya is sort of ambivalent, but she's very prideful, and tends to consider what "dishonors" her as a personal slight. So while she did try to reach out, she wasn't beyond letting Lou crash and burn out of vindictiveness, if Lou wouldn't accept to let her in.