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After reflection, I've reduced the time Eerie was away to two months; a month for training, a month for the movie a porn production takes to 20-40 days. 

At the apex of her success, Eerie returns.


Early page!




Six months sure is a while . _.


Oh my god..not a week, or a month later..but 6 months..


It took six months to film the movie? What were they using? Projectors?


Six months. And then she just walks in like it's nothing, somehow surprised by the state. Jeez.


shooting on location takes a while, ya know? plus it was like lord of the rings, all three films shot back to back. throw in a writers strike and production time balloons out.


“Are you alright?” Oh man, I’d have such a hard time not being snarky at that comment in particular. Still, Lou gets some good ones in!


It may be too long indeed, but I tried to account for the fact that the other "actresses" are Champions and Gym Leader with professional schedules :o


All I can figure is that seeing the future/past/etc with psychic powers must screw up your perception of time. That, and that Eerie isn't human and her nonhuman point of view sees a few other things differently too, so...