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Eerie used "Scorch Earth"... It's super effective.




Wow, Eerie is really mad. It's impressive that she kept enough self control to not send Lou flying with her power.


Goddamn,you can tell how much love and heartache there is behind that rant, she is so angry about all the time she feels that she wasted at lou's beck and call!


God damn, scorched earth is right. That is some serious scorned rage.



Staniel Das Boot

Th- This is a prequel, right? A retelling of their time before reconciliation? Right?

Tom Sketchit

I'm wondering how much time there was between this and the start of the comic. Know this is the past, obviously, but how far back? Because a part of me feels like this is so drastically different from the dynamic they had back then. And I know it's been a long time and the story can be changed. I'm just wondering if this was always planned or if this is more of a retcon. I'm fine either way, just feeling a bit of dissonance between Eerie here and Eerie at the beginning of the story. This does properly explain why she was so pissed off in the original version of this chapter though.


Got to be honest I am kind of expecting Eerie to crush her Pokeball in a fit of uncontrolled rage to break Lou.


A few months. Both had the time to reflect before the start of the story. As for "retcon" or "planned", it's "planned with a bit of retcon"; I had never planned to show the conflict itself and simply referenced it in Poison Lou's flashback, but I realized later on that Eerie's perspective and the biggest fallout of their relationship needed to be shown for people to empathize with or understand Eerie's position. At the beginning of the story, Eerie is mostly forlorn, and I'll show how she reached that point from this fallout As for why I initially didn't plan to show the fallout itself, it was because of how long one page took and what I needed to model in assets, so some things were set aside just because they were technically impossible with the og style