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Well, you seemed to like the bike thing very much, so... One Biker Lou & Eerie pinup coming in february... xD

Perhaps I should do a "rides" version for other pinups... Cars, bikes, waterbikes, PLANES...



Give Clem a special ultralight, it'd be really cool to see her flying!


Sexy airplane waitress yes please!!

Jim Zackary

Cars, bikes, waterbikes, airplanes, dicks, it's a very good idea!


I want to see Pixie do the split between two plane wing!


Unicycles. XD


Yes, so much yes. Perhaps pinups showing various dom types (one off characters even) enjoying Lou's luscious lifestyle. Example: it's definitely Lou's car, outside a nightclub where some one off character is leading a collared Lou into it, someone Lou just met inside the club that night; or another one off dom type has Lou tied up sunbathing, on Lou's yacht in the Aegean Sea off the coast of Greece.