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In a land covered in snow, a daughter and mother found each others for good. The daughter accepted her lineage, embraced her mother's tender snow, and learned to love the quiet of a falling snowflake.



Kris Valentine

I can't wait to see where this goes! But I do wonder what happened to Calyrex.


It'll be addressed later, but part of the meta explanation is that I didn't want to give Lou a literal GOD, so she was granted the steed as thanks until she's deemed worthy. She still have Calyrex, she just can't ask him to fight on her behalf

Kris Valentine

That makes sense. Calyrex would make a lot of fight unfair unless it was against another legendary or godlike pokemon. Thanks for explaining. 😊


I am also assuming she gain a cold if she use ice pokemon looking like this.


While I like the theme and outfit, doesn't Aya have an overwhelming type advantage?


Yknow what they say, ain't only about the types you have, 's about how well you use them!


She's Laure daughter, she's never been bothered by the cold anyway