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Hello hello,

The title says it all. For those who are on Discord, you probably know why! For those who aren't, long story short:

I didn't plan to get Cyberpunk 2077. Best friend convinces me to get it since multiplayer will be available and he wanted us to start and play together so we could progress in tandem. Installs the game through Steam. Game crashes Steam, corrupts my library. Tries several times through the night, increasingly frustrated. Steam probs understands game launcher is shit, refunds me IMMEDIATELY. Finally now managed to get it to work passing through GOG launcher, even if it required downloading the 60GB TWICE on Gog.

LONG STORY SHORT, I'm exhausted and going to spend the day laying dead on my couch. xD 



Don't lie on the couch. Lounge on it! Luxuriate in the comfort of the cushions!


Hope you have a good chill day. Maybe snuggle up with some comfort food and a good movie 😊


Sounds frustrating. I only really use my pc for RTS. If I was gonna get cyberpunk I'd probably just get it for my Xbox. Less of a hassle.