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Hello dear operators! I want to thank you for your continued support, and for allowing me to keep producing arts and comics!

This pack contains: 

  •  Wanderlust CYOA files 
  • Sketches from this month 
  • HMGBAPS Pinup and it's files

I'll be taking a short break for the rest of the week due to deteriorating health! I'm gonna try to post a Short for tomorrow still!

Thanks to all,




Please, -please- take a longer break. Everyone wants you to recover first and foremost before more lewds. Take care of yourself.


Knock out for the week, hell, take a month if thats what it takes. Just don't be gambling with your health.


Please rest as long as you want. You've more than earned some medical leave.


There is just a wonderful softness to the girls you draw


Where do I get my rewards?


Rewards are sent the 5th of every months after pledge processing; as you joined after the pledge processing period (between the 1st and the 2nd), you did not have access to last month's rewards. Best, K