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Hello hello!

I should do a Monday newsletter...

Med. Update: Quick update to keep you posted! Sadly, the upward trend to my health as yet again started to go down. Nothing confirmed or alarming yet (I'm mostly fully functioning), but yours truly is up for a Covid19 test. Again.

Here's hoping this one isn't a two hours wait standing in the sun like the first, or in the freezing cold like the second...

For now, no schedule disruption is planned. If the test comes back positive, well, as you can imagine, comic pages updates may be impacted. 

Side series: Lots of you seems the be enthusiastic about a Skyrim comic! I'm preparing it, but we may get the secondary Pokémon comic before the Skyrim one, if only due to the recent release of the Crown Tundra DLC and me playing it through yesterday!

I'll keep you posted for any development!





Stay healthy in mind, body, and spirit. Everything else stems from that.