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Update warning: HMGBAPS will either arrive tomorrow or be pushed back to Thursday!

My health's been declining since the end of July, and I'm having several appointments to pinpoint why, so I'll be out most of today. I will probably do another Hub Tales to compensate, as these pages take significantly less time to do than HMGBAPS'.

Expect update schedule to be wonky at times!

Thanks for your understanding and continued support!


El Pollero

Hey its cool. Health's first


Hope you feel better soon! Take it easy.


Take care of your health first. You don't have to compensate for anything if you don't feel like it at the moment.

Jim Zackary

Take all the time you need. Considering how much art you push out, you deserve a break.


Take care of yourself first, only when you are ok you can start thinking about the comics! I wish you the best recovery ever!


Health is always a top priority, especially in these times. Hope you feel better.

Lady Xyla

Take time to rest


Please take care of yourself! That should always come before content.


Health is more important. Get some rest and take care of yourself.


Nothing is more important than you! Recover first and foremost! Get better! That's an order!!!