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The WanderLust CYOA was apparently a huge success, so it'll be the standard formula for WanderLust going forward!

Why a waifu poll then?

Simple: it's was also a very, very big amount of work, and I do need a break, especially with these heat waves. I also plan to travel a bit this month before the end of the summer, so I won't have the time (or the energy honestly) for a direct continuation with another WanderLust CYOA.

Thus, transition poll! With MORE Wanderlust! And a HMGBAPS pairing, but the focus of the poll is really Wanderlust. I just needed a third pairing hehe.

So, should Space Lou meet Lou? YOU DECIDE!  :'D



A Mediocre Transbian Polycule

Damn, this is a close poll. Glad to see Wanderlust is continuing as is, it's spiked my interest in the series.


The COYA take for Wanderlust was great and it will be interesting to see what options the future will hold for it. Though I must admit my favourite part of the series is the research notes from the Queth mothership.