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Early HMGBAPS page for those who do not use Discord



Generic Fakename

Man, you’d think mega-eerie was a fire type which how thoroughly she went to burning bridges.


Looks like a visit to Annabelle may be in order.


...wow Mega Eerie is completely different from her normal self....or does mega evolving actually bring out her inner most thought to bare? Like her subconscious.


they finally start to make amends and now Eerie decides to do this...


What are you talking about? By this time, Lou is still not talking to Eerie. :P

Lady Xyla

This is why i deal in ghost type pokemon. Psychic types are always over thinking *Hugs my Chandalure*


Well, she's not "overthinking" anything there, she just wants a) her so called supportive friends to stop simply lecturing her b) her supposed best friend and trainer to stop treating her like shit lol

Jordan Bush

heres hoping Lou finally appologizes, heres also hoping that Eerie accepts the appology


Godamn it Kite. Lured in by the hot sultry stuff and hit with feels every time!

Scott Carter

This isn't going to work out the way Eerie wants it to, will it? That's a (mostly) rhetorical question.