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Early HMGBAPS page for those who do not use Discord!        




That's....That's even stupider!! Stop that!! Stop...BEING STUPID!!

Lady Xyla



She del-Eerie-ous. This is the equivalent of getting a paper cut and so deciding that smashing your hand with a steel mallet is a good way to not feel the cut.


Good thing Pixie is part-steel, I can only imagine as to what the effects of banging her head against a wall this much would be.


The Plot, like her, thicks...


where did the lingerie come from?? can pokemon make clothes???


Gardevoir are fairy godmothers and guardian angels but as Pokémon. If they are powerful enough to create black holes, they can probably create and or summon clothes.


Oh yes because making a big, life defining decision for her without her input or consent worked so marvelously last time. Also Lou was right about her Mega form being bitchy. Also-also what was it Clem just told you about Gardevoirs trying to protect their trainers from imminent danger while oblivious to the broad ranging consequences? Maybe like how you are trying to protect her from the danger of a big, emotional fight that might have the broad consequence of gradually repairing your relationship so that you could live together without regrets or resentment?


Or maybe a Gardevoir that has been for all intent and purpose abandoned by her trainer who refuses apologies or even discussion ran out of patience with both her trainers and the outsiders lecturing her, understood why things became the way they were but no longer has the will to bother with it and has a plan to put an end to this conflict REGARDLESS of how it affect a trainer that seems to no longer care for her? :P