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Following my previous poll, WanderLust is transiting to a CYOA format! Each picture will have a vote, a choice, and a followup poll if needed! 

Now, this will modify the reward of the month, obviously. You will received Med Res and High Res of the full pack as reward. Process will be absent of the packs, due to the nature of the CYOA, but PSDs may still be accessible.

There will be 4  pictures minimum (one per week) and more if applicable. This format is bound to improve as we go, so don't hesitate to send me feedback after this month! Anyhow...




should we vote in the comments, or will there be a poll later?


Slime suit!


Poll for everyone: https://www.patreon.com/posts/cyoa-poll-1-39043006 Poll for Fuel 3 > Ship Archive: https://www.patreon.com/posts/cyoa-poll-1-fuel-39043200 Poll for Fuel 4 to Ship Archive: https://www.patreon.com/posts/cyoa-poll-1-fuel-39043274


Damn, they all seem fun. Slime seems the least exciting to me, parasite feels more promising for fun and adventure. Minic just doesn't give enough away to appetizing...


Liking the options, but I think there might be slight narrative issues with the mimic one. On a meta level we know it's all sexy times fun, but if you think in-universe, holy shit she didn't help people in need if the poll doesn't vote for the mimic! That would have quite some implications for Katra as a character, I'd say, which you might want to avoid considering a community CYOA is bound to be inconsistent... Not sure how important that is to you.


In universe, other members takes care of the other choices if applicable; CARE herself can determine which is beneficial of detrimental to the mission. Katra is also just a xenobiologist, if she passes by an emergency shuttle without attempting to help, she won't think it as a bad thing: in the contrary, if there was a pathogen or the space settlers were in dire enough condition that they'd need to go back to the edge of the Federation, she'd probably consider it a liability.