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Lady Xyla

God i love that women


Gotta say, eerie is consistently the worst part of this comic :X


Perhaps wait to have the full side of Eerie before passing judgement on the comic?


Judgement? sorry, i guess that reads as harsh. I've been reading this comic for a long time and i love it. But man, am i eager to hear this eerie part, cause we are several layers deep into her and i still don't get it.


She's right though, Eerie's not a fighter ( not saying she's weak ), there are other possible ways to solve this... perhaps more simple ways, not saying Eerie should learn "attract" and boom lol... Idk, Eerie's my favourite character, would love to see her happy with Lou. omgosh I still hope all goes well, good luck Eerie... get Lou back!


Goddamn I love this story. Yeahp, let's get in Eerie's head. and maybe other parts. :D


I want to say...she got 18 wisdom?^^