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 Early HMGBAPS page for those who do not use Discord!  This damn page took nearly two days to make. ><




Hell yes, trans women are women. Good on Lou!


It's amazing you can put out some much work in only 2 days


oh dam... I think Lou and Eerie need to talk to eac other


Yeah. Sadly, having Hellebore already started troubles in the Discord, so I'll amend it until people stop making mountains out of molehills, and we'll someday be able to have nice things. -_-


Wait, is that another Gardevoir I see?


That's... fucking awful. Especially after the JK Rowling shit. :(


Awesome work as always! But it should be "times", not "time's"


Saved the original version, so I'll sleep on it anyway. I edited a "non controversial version" because I've been working for 46 hours on the page and so am ridiculously tired and didn't feel like dealing with that right now. I'll see which version I upload tomorrow, which'll depend on how many arguing I'm willing to read. xD


Take care. Sorry you had to deal with that. Really appreciate authors/artists that are trans-positive.


Oh shiny Grimmsnarl, Lou is lucky with her shiny :) Love the Hatterene too! Lou seems to like white, roses and pale blue color. Is that a new Gardevoir form (galarian?) or is this lot of makeup?


Well the original version is back and I'll just post that one Changing my course because of "possible perception" didn't sit well with me xD


Hatterene and another Gard? You're too good to us.


I'm sorry but with the deep emotional stuff bared in this page, I really can't believe so many people latch onto just the last frame. I have never played pokemon, don't know one pokemon from another at all. I have become quite invested in the story (as always with Kites work, come for the hot porn stuff, stay because of the story) and am really more interested in Eerie than in any of those pokemon in the picture.