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You AGAIN? Man, I don't know what your obsession with me is, but it's getting tiresome. The only animal content I do is not ON Patreon, and is a new side project. My two main comics are entirely female on female and HMGBAPS had ONE instance of futa announced as such for the futa community in my following. I do not work for you, I do not give a single flying fuck about your opinion or standards. You do not get to define what I do just because you are a self-obsessed asshole who can't handle me doing my own stuff. You raging at me will not change what I do, I have little to no care for what you think, and it'll be the same with any other artists you obsess over because we don't toe your icnredibly narrow-minded line.


Based on your increasingly unhinged rant on Discord and what some artists who dealt with you told me, you're a) indeed incredibly obsessed, b) incredibly dumb and c) thinks you somehow defines what words are. I don't really think who you think you are to tell me what I should or shouldn't do, but you've got a pattern of unhinged rants at artists who wont draw pussies with incredibly long and flappy lips. So I can only sadly conclude one thing... You ARE not an simply imbecile. You're just an entitled, obsessive weirdo with too much free times, who appears to be unable to see beyond their own bubble. If you believe that ranting like a brain-damaged raccoon at me will encourage me to draw the way YOU want, you're sorely mistaken. Have fun tho, I greatly enjoy reading your rants!