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WanderLust rewards are sent tomorrow, so prepare for more space awesomeness! Additionally, there are less alt versions due to the theme (tentacles and stuff) this time, but I've tried painting additional scenes with narration

I'm trying to expand the WanderLust formula, please tell me if you like the direction we're taking when you get the rewards!

Concerning Fallout: Unsheltered

You might have noticed that Unsheltered updates have stopped. It's mostly because I became quickly fed up with people complaining and insulting every pages. I started Unsheltered to relax, not to eat abuse from never satisfied wankers.

But as of recently, I thought that, yknow what, I did start Unsheltered to relax and by joking with Shia. So Unsheltered is coming back, because I'm not going to let a few @#~! make me give up on something I enjoy.

(I have also been writing a futa-centric Unsheltered spinoff but this one's still in the work!

Anyway, see ya tomorrow!



El Squidd

I liked Unsheltered. Fuck the haters, do what you love.


There's always going to be jerks who want to complain... If all they're doing is bitching about your work, ignore them. They can go somewhere else. draw what you want. I personally love Unsheltered. I mean, combining two of my favorite things, Fallout and wlw? How could I not? :)


People have been hating on your fallout comic? Screw those nerds! It’s my favorite series of yours, need more of it, and I’m really glad to hear you enjoy doing it too :D

Allen Walker

Unsheltered was/is great! Glad to see it coming back!!!


Unsheltered was the main reason i joined your Patreon @_@


Well you'll be able to remain subscribed as it's coming back xD


Super happy to hear that Unsheltered will be making a comeback...my very favourite comic!! Thank You!!!


Yeah; a particularly friendly fellow told me Unsheltered looked like "a bad Shadman comic" :'D


I loved unsheltered. Happy that it’s coming back.


I love your Fallout content, don't give up!


I can't believe anyone would insult unsheltered. its great


I can't believe anyone would insult unsheltered. its great


Why where they complening about Unshelter? It was a very fun comic I say^^


I'll be brutally honest: at the beginning, I couldn't have cared less for Unsheltered. Then I read it in a go out of boredom like 3 weeks ago, and I almost smashed my head on the table because I missed out a really funny comic. Glad it's coming back!


F$%(%( UNSATISFIED WANKERS! Hey Kite, I lost you on discord.


I'm sorry you had people giving you grief over Unsheltered. I thought it was fun!


I really enjoy the simple silliness of fallout unsheltered, both the theme and artstyle. I'm glad you're giving yourself a second chance with it.


Unsheltered was worth a good laugh every time I saw one. Absolutely loved the parody.


I missed your Fallout content. Real Happy to see it coming back^^


Who the fuck insulted Unsheltered? It was great!

A Mediocre Transbian Polycule

I just want to express my love of unsheltered. Your fallout work is what drew me in originally, I've enjoyed the various series. I'm glad to hear its coming back.


Some people are eternally unsatisfied, or just feel entitled to artists doing things their way


On some other sites reuploading arts with "hentai" in the name is all I'll say :'D


Sometimes we're not interested by stuff, so it's perfectly normal Glad you gave it a chance eventually :D


I love unsheltered. There is room for all kinds of art and artistic expression by the same person. Deep meaning stuff, erotic stuff, funny stuff...all of it is good. Please don't let people dissuade you from doing what you want. There are plenty of us who enjoy many aspects of art. I know we probably should speak up more often, but I would bet there are about 50 people who enjoy something and don't say anything to every 1 person who bitches about something when they shouldn't have said anything.