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Early Monday page for HMGBAPS for those who do not use Discord!  




That Froslass is good... Taunt + Destiny Bond... Seems like Lou's best hitter is done for... which makes me sad...


I really like this match and the setup to it. Well done, TheKite. I say that as preface to saying I hope Lou loses. I like her. I think she's well established and well defined. I also think her flaws are well served by her being beaten. She's undisciplined and arrogant. Like most of her team she's overdue to learn merciless lessons about mastering her own impulses. So, when I say I hope she loses it's not because she deserves to suffer but because I want the better trainer to win.


Poor Lena


Well, things are going down for Lou.


Thanks a lot! :3 Indeed, this match is meant to build Lou's character more, and teach her that impulsiveness can deserve her if uncontrolled!