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Hello hello,

I will be forced to move the second picture of this month to October, due to the short time left to finish it; as you may or may not have read on my HF, the resuming of my professional life earlier this month has slightly altered my work schedule as I needed to prepare my course for this year.

(For those who wonder what I do, I teach part time in a SFX school)

Care's pic took me a lot more time than I thought, and you (wonderful) people also voted for another 4+ characters pic! xD

That combined to HMGBAPS and my -still going- commission backlog has dried my time and I would rather move the picture to next month and plan a smaller to do Wanderlust picture (aka, not a 8+ characters pictures NEXT to a four+ characters picture) than rush a picture that will be badly done at the end. 

As promised and notified anyway, you always will get at least one big picture each month, and the Wanderlust one is already done. 

I plan to keep the poll's results, but if you want, I can redo the poll, as several people complained about the character's selection, not having played either Darkest Dungeon or the Soulsborne series.

Since DD won by a large margin, it will be added to the new poll as top contender should a majority of you request a more diverse poll. If you are in majority fine with the current result however, it will be kept as is.

Anyway, thank you for your understanding, and I deeply apologize for these scheduling troubles, but rest assurer that this event greatly helps me establish a working publication schedule that takes into account my production abilities!

Query on potential new poll:

tl;dr: Wanderlust pic took half of the month because it was big, commission, HMGBAPS and teaching gig took the remaining time, can't do another big picture without rushing it. 2nd pic moved to October and I can propose you a more diverse poll if a majority of y'all voted randomly cuz you didn't play Darkest Dungeon or Soulsborne. Sorry for the trouble and I'm still working a schedule out so this'll help. 




Take your time <3 Lets look at it this way: If you burn out due to stress, we would get no content... :(


You are one of the most talented and prolific artists I've ever followed, you could half the amount of content you make and you'd still be worth my support.