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Hello Hello! 

I'm away for holidays, but I also have a tablet on me so I'm preparing September ahead!

I know we already did the AI thing, but there is a lot of newcomers since then (hello!) and also you didn't have the designs back then! This time, you're presented with the cuties we'll potentially fly in the future!

 Dr. Katra and Dr. Pr'Elle are now looking for a ship, and along with the ship comes a personal assistant!  Which ship and AI will she pick? 

Dr Pr'Elle's choice is basically "the proposed design I like the most". However, do vote for the design YOU like the most!

Poll ends Sept 1st. Monthly picture poll starts on Sept 1st.




I was looking forward to this new series since you first brought up the idea in the poll, but with every new development it just gets better and better. I thought the first star chart and "representative poll" were big improvements but this is another step up entirely. With the layouts, presentation, and the lore/world-building the amount of production value you are putting into this is outstanding and I can't wait to see more!


Pick Yoko, twins are the best and hiveminds make twins even better. And she can be as many twins as she wants.


Looks like we need some #SaveYoko. Don't let the multiple bodies of Yoko end here folks. Their cuteness needs to be seen again.