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Thank you for your support for this month!

I will proceed to send rewards via private message! 

warning: If your card wasn't processed or you signed up after the payout, you won't receive rewards! If your card WAS processed but you didn't receive your message, please DM me!

[Reward summary:]

Starter Kit/Coffee Kit

  •  Medium resolution pictures
  • Alternate versions
  • Early comic pages
  • WiPs, sketches, etc (Discord)
  • Voting in polls

First-Aid Kit

  • Starter kit rewards
  • High resolutions pictures


  • Starter and First-aid kits rewards
  • +1 voting power
  • Process pictures and gifs


  • Starter, First-aid, Medi kits rewards
  • +1 voting power
  • PSD files



Sean Jackson

Yay Gardevoir porn stars having sex with their trainers. That's what I like to see,


Thank you for all your incredible work Kite. :D


So can Gardevoir bend in a 90 degree angle at the waist or whose vulva is that under Lou?


this is a pose even I can do, bruh sit with your leg spread, twist your body 30-40°, tilt it a bit backward and TADAAA