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Hello everyone! 

As you may know if you followed me on my previous Hentai-Foundry account and early on my "TheKite" account, I'm a fan of science-fiction and had a scifi image series centered on an alien girl encyclopedia. 

This project slowed down and was eventually forgotten in the limbo of dead projects. Which is honestly not that big of a deal, as I wasn't experienced enough or ready to start big projects back then. As such, I've recently thought about resurrecting it with my current ability and "artistic maturity"! 

The thing is, so far our monthly pictures have been centered around random characters y'all vote for. Some might be happy with that, some might be there mostly for support and some may be there only for comics like HMGBAPS. So I want to propose two polls for this "new" project!  

What would this project be? 

Our heroine is a scientist, a member of a scientific consortium studying xenobiology through the infinite reach of space. Her mission? Find planets and study their life forms! Simple, right?

The Life Forms would come in various flavors: alien monster-girls types, humanoid alien types a la Asari/Quarians/insert space waifu here, strange life forms, and some ferals if y'all are up for it!

Yes, Ferrin, there will be tentacles.

 So, what's the deal?

 Every month, I would propose a planet with a specific biome, and you would vote for the type of life form you want. Then I would design said life form, write some biology documents about it, and show our fearless scientist being fucked silly by it! 

All for the sake of research, of course.  

"What about HMGBAPS,Unsheltered, and the monthly image? Aren't you overloading yourself with work?" 

That's a very good question, Rhetorical Assistant! The answer to that is "possibly not". It depends on your interest! HMGBAPS and Unsheltered will remain as is, they won't be impacted by it. The real question is, do I replace the current monthly picture by this project or do I add this project on top of the Monthly picture (in which case I'll make preparations for it in advance)? 

"I see..."


So, let's get this show on the road! 

I will post a poll with every possibility. If no one is even remotely interested by that project, it solves everything from the start! xD 

Poll options:
"Are you interested?"
- Yes (addition):
The project will be added on top of the monthly picture
- Yes (replacement):
The project will replace the monthly picture
- No:
You're not interested and I'll drop it if this option wins
- No comment: You don't care either way


(As this poll doesn't concern a monthly picture and that I only want to gauge interest and do not want to influence the result, everyone has the same voting power. If either "yes" wins, the first biome poll will happen in August, and will concern the scientist's living space and assistant.)



I vote heck yes! In addition to the regular monthly pic would be great, but I wouldn't mind it in place of the monthly pic either.

Anios Selindar

I say YES (addition), but only IF you manage to do it, mate :) if it's too stressful/hard to follow, then you can always switch back with the regular monthly. Et puis, moi je veux une planète de femme-chèvre à enculer. *tousse* :c


I voted for replacement because the random monthly picture might slow down the progress of the story.


Personally your fallout stuff is my favorite. If there was a vote for more fallout I'd vote for that. Short of that what you're talking about sounds fun.


Y aura pas de Draenei, non... XD Mais ouais, je vais faire extra gaffe à pas me surcharger de taff!


I would do more Fallout stuff, but I think that I would run out of idea for it pretty fast, especially since I replayed Fallout 4 about 20 times if not more xD I could try to draw on New Vegas tho... It's my fav Fallout :O


I like this idea a lot and it could have a lot of interesting pieces. Im also very interested in the assistant/living space options.

Anios Selindar

Pas de bikettes, quelle honte ! Pour la peine, je me désabonne et je t'envoie des broccoli à l'eau par la poste !